COLLECTION PLENITUDE VINTAGE 1988 ORIGIN This cognac originates from a magnificent parcel in the hilltop hamlet of Bouteville whose historic fortress has guarded the region for a millennium and now keeps watch over some of its very finest Grande Champagne vines. The Bouteville 1988 is a sublime expression of this heart of the heart terroir CASK The well-seasoned cask used for ageing this cognac is made from French oak from the Tronçais forest and hold up to to 350L. The use of old, seasoned oak reduces the influence of tannins, and allows the flavour of the vines and the terroir to pass into the cognac, resulting in a cognac of remarkable authenticity and elegance. CELLAR For 32 years this wax sealed cask has been maturing in our dedicated vintage cellar, where near perfect levels of humidity and moisture provided ideal ageing conditions for it to slowly evolve. Delamain self imposes the most stringent controls and procedures on the ageing of its vintage cognacs by placing its cellar under strict monitoring and lock and key control by the BNIC Bureau National Interprofessionnel de Cognac) the official cognac industry body. TASTING NOTES/AROMAS Apricot, litchi, toasted almonds, a hint of leather and vanilla TASTE Initial notes of apricot give way to toasted almonds and rancio. A complex, elegant and delicate cognac
“This vintage 1988 originates from the magnificent vines of Bouteville. I have had the privilege of watching over and guiding this cask to maturity over its 32 years in our vintage cellar. Discover its elegance, rich fruit and nut aromas and the rancio resulting from more than three decades of slow ageing.” Dominique Touteau
Our wonderful Online Shopping service allows you to buy before you fly between one month and 24 hours from Larnaca & 72 hours from Paphos.
You can choose to collect your order at one of the following Collection Points:
Larnaca Airport:
*All orders for collection at Larnaca Airport must be placed at least 24 hours in advance
Paphos Airport:
*All orders for collection at Paphos Airport must be placed at least 72 hours in advance.
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